Uploaded image for project: 'eZ Publish / Platform'
  1. eZ Publish / Platform
  2. EZP-8691

Error when publishing content



    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • None
    • 3.6.8
    • None
    • Version: 3.6.8
      PHP Version: 4.3.11
      Webserver: apache
      Database: postgresql 8.1.2


      after clicking on send for publishing in 60% cases it returns some strange text. Sometimes it deletes also the parent container objects.
      This never hapaned to me in 3.5

      This is the strange text:
      Notice: Use of undefined constant STDERR - assumed 'STDERR' in /var/www/html/ez36/lib/ezdb/classes/ezdbinterface.php on line 783 Warning: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /var/www/html/ez36/lib/ezdb/classes/ezdbinterface.php on line 783 Notice: Use of undefined constant STDERR - assumed 'STDERR' in /var/www/html/ez36/lib/ezdb/classes/ezdbinterface.php on line 784 Warning: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /var/www/html/ez36/lib/ezdb/classes/ezdbinterface.php on line 784 Notice: Use of undefined constant STDERR - assumed 'STDERR' in /var/www/html/ez36/lib/ezdb/classes/ezdbinterface.php on line 785 Warning: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /var/www/html/ez36/lib/ezdb/classes/ezdbinterface.php on line 788 Notice: Use of undefined constant STDERR - assumed 'STDERR' in /var/www/html/ez36/lib/ezdb/classes/ezdbinterface.php on line 789 Warning: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /var/www/html/ez36/lib/ezdb/classes/ezdbinterface.php on line 789 Notice: Use of undefined constant STDERR - assumed 'STDERR' in /var/www/html/ez36/lib/ezdb/classes/ezdbinterface.php on line 791 Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(3.647 ms) query number per page:0) SELECT data, user_id, expiration_time FROM ezsession WHERE session_key='9117f0cbeb4bcc3061e38fefede8dda0' Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(1.001 ms) query number per page:1) SELECT contentobject_id, login, email, password_hash, password_hash_type FROM ezuser WHERE contentobject_id='0' Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(0.507 ms) query number per page:2) SELECT contentobject_id, login, email, password_hash, password_hash_type FROM ezuser WHERE contentobject_id='0' Timing: () Module start 'content' Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(2.152 ms) query number per page:3) SELECT ezcontentobject.* , ezcontentobject_name.name AS name, ezcontentobject_name.real_translation FROM ezcontentobject , ezcontentobject_name WHERE ezcontentobject.id='92' AND ezcontentobject.id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id AND ezcontentobject.current_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version AND ezcontentobject_name.content_translation = 'heb-IL' Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(2.624 ms) query number per page:4) SELECT ezcontentobject., ezcontentobject_tree., ezcontentclass.name as class_name FROM ezcontentobject_tree, ezcontentobject, ezcontentclass WHERE contentobject_id=92 AND ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND ezcontentclass.version=0 AND ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id ORDER BY path_string Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(1.132 ms) query number per page:5) SELECT id, remote_id, contentobject_id, contentobject_version, parent_node, sort_field, sort_order, is_main, from_node_id, parent_remote_id FROM eznode_assignment WHERE contentobject_id='92' AND contentobject_version='1' Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(2.419 ms) query number per page:6) SELECT ezcontentobject., ezcontentobject_tree., ezcontentclass.name as class_name, ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier , ezcontentobject_name.name as name, ezcontentobject_name.real_translation FROM ezcontentobject_tree, ezcontentobject, ezcontentclass , ezcontentobject_name WHERE node_id IN ( 80 ) AND ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND ezcontentclass.version=0 AND ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id and ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and ezcontentobject_name.content_translation = 'heb-IL' Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(1.324 ms) query number per page:6) SELECT id, version, name, identifier, contentobject_name, creator_id, modifier_id, created, remote_id, modified, is_container FROM ezcontentclass WHERE id='19' AND version='0' ORDER BY version ASC LIMIT 2 Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(1.263 ms) query number per page:7) SELECT id, contentobject_id, creator_id, version, status, created, modified, workflow_event_pos, user_id FROM ezcontentobject_version WHERE version='1' AND contentobject_id='92' ORDER BY version ASC Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(0.700 ms) query number per page:8) SELECT id, contentobject_id, creator_id, version, status, created, modified, workflow_event_pos, user_id FROM ezcontentobject_version WHERE version='1' AND contentobject_id='92' ORDER BY version ASC Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(0.681 ms) query number per page:9) SELECT id, version, name, identifier, contentobject_name, creator_id, modifier_id, created, remote_id, modified, is_container FROM ezcontentclass WHERE id='19' AND version='0' ORDER BY version ASC LIMIT 2 Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(2.342 ms) query number per page:10) SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute., ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as classattribute_identifier, ezcontentclass_attribute.can_translate, ezcontentclass_attribute.name as class_attributename FROM ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute WHERE ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '92' AND ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'heb-IL' ORDER by ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(0.600 ms) query number per page:11) SELECT id, remote_id, contentobject_id, contentobject_version, parent_node, sort_field, sort_order, is_main, from_node_id, parent_remote_id FROM eznode_assignment WHERE contentobject_id='92' AND contentobject_version='1' Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(1.185 ms) query number per page:12) SELECT id, name, version, contentclass_id, identifier, placement, is_searchable, is_required, can_translate, is_information_collector, data_type_string, data_int1, data_int2, data_int3, data_int4, data_float1, data_float2, data_float3, data_float4, data_text1, data_text2, data_text3, data_text4, data_text5 FROM ezcontentclass_attribute WHERE id='193' AND version='0' Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(0.731 ms) query number per page:13) SELECT id, name, version, contentclass_id, identifier, placement, is_searchable, is_required, can_translate, is_information_collector, data_type_string, data_int1, data_int2, data_int3, data_int4, data_float1, data_float2, data_float3, data_float4, data_text1, data_text2, data_text3, data_text4, data_text5 FROM ezcontentclass_attribute WHERE id='194' AND version='0' Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(0.718 ms) query number per page:14) SELECT id, name, version, contentclass_id, identifier, placement, is_searchable, is_required, can_translate, is_information_collector, data_type_string, data_int1, data_int2, data_int3, data_int4, data_float1, data_float2, data_float3, data_float4, data_text1, data_text2, data_text3, data_text4, data_text5 FROM ezcontentclass_attribute WHERE id='195' AND version='0' Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(0.729 ms) query number per page:15) SELECT id, name, version, contentclass_id, identifier, placement, is_searchable, is_required, can_translate, is_information_collector, data_type_string, data_int1, data_int2, data_int3, data_int4, data_float1, data_float2, data_float3, data_float4, data_text1, data_text2, data_text3, data_text4, data_text5 FROM ezcontentclass_attribute WHERE id='196' AND version='0' Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(0.730 ms) query number per page:16) SELECT id, name, version, contentclass_id, identifier, placement, is_searchable, is_required, can_translate, is_information_collector, data_type_string, data_int1, data_int2, data_int3, data_int4, data_float1, data_float2, data_float3, data_float4, data_text1, data_text2, data_text3, data_text4, data_text5 FROM ezcontentclass_attribute WHERE id='197' AND version='0' Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(0.734 ms) query number per page:17) SELECT id, name, version, contentclass_id, identifier, placement, is_searchable, is_required, can_translate, is_information_collector, data_type_string, data_int1, data_int2, data_int3, data_int4, data_float1, data_float2, data_float3, data_float4, data_text1, data_text2, data_text3, data_text4, data_text5 FROM ezcontentclass_attribute WHERE id='198' AND version='0' Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(1.186 ms) query number per page:18) SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute., ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute WHERE ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '92' AND ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'heb-IL' ORDER BY ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC, ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(0.248 ms) query number per page:19) BEGIN WORK Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(0.517 ms) query number per page:20) SELECT id FROM ezcontentobject_version WHERE id='536' Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(0.725 ms) query number per page:21) UPDATE ezcontentobject_version SET contentobject_id='92', creator_id='59', version='1', status='0', created='1153301284', modified='1153301307', workflow_event_pos='0', user_id='0' WHERE id='536' Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(0.852 ms) query number per page:22) SELECT id, contentobject_id, version, language_code FROM ezcontentobject_attribute WHERE id='335' AND contentobject_id='92' AND version='1' AND language_code='heb-IL' Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(1.097 ms) query number per page:23) UPDATE ezcontentobject_attribute SET contentclassattribute_id='193', attribute_original_id='0', sort_key_int='0', sort_key_string='68', data_type_string='ezstring', data_text='68', data_int=NULL, data_float='0.000000' WHERE id='335' AND contentobject_id='92' AND version='1' AND language_code='heb-IL' Debug: (truncation of sort_key_string to max_length=255) הרב, רב"ש, הרב ברוך אשלג, הרב ברוך שלום אשלג, רבי אשלג, אשלג, מורה, מורי, לייטמן ואשלג, מדריך, איך הגעתי לקבלה, חיפוש, איך ללמוד קבלה, ביוגרפיה, ××•× Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(0.750 ms) query number per page:24) SELECT id, contentobject_id, version, language_code FROM ezcontentobject_attribute WHERE id='336' AND contentobject_id='92' AND version='1' AND language_code='heb-IL' Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(0.718 ms) query number per page:25) UPDATE ezcontentobject_attribute SET contentclassattribute_id='194', attribute_original_id='0', sort_key_int='0', sort_key_string='הרב, רב"ש, הרב ברוך אשלג, הרב ברוך שלום אשלג, רבי אשלג, אשלג, מורה, מורי, לייטמן ואשלג, מדריך, איך הגעתי לקבלה, חיפוש, איך ללמוד קבלה, ביוגרפיה, או×', data_type_string='ezstring', data_text='הרב, רב"ש, הרב ברוך אשלג, הרב ברוך שלום אשלג, רבי אשלג, אשלג, מורה, מורי, לייטמן ואשלג, מדריך, איך הגעתי לקבלה, חיפוש, איך ללמוד קבלה, ביוגרפיה, אוטוביוגרפיה, סיפור, הסיפור האישי של הרב לייטמן, ×‘× ×™ ברק, תמיד איתי', data_int=NULL, data_float='0.000000' WHERE id='336' AND contentobject_id='92' AND version='1' AND language_code='heb-IL' Error: (eZPostgreSQLDB) Error: error executing query: UPDATE ezcontentobject_attribute SET contentclassattribute_id='194', attribute_original_id='0', sort_key_int='0', sort_key_string='הרב, רב"ש, הרב ברוך אשלג, הרב ברוך שלום אשלג, רבי אשלג, אשלג, מורה, מורי, לייטמן ואשלג, מדריך, איך הגעתי לקבלה, חיפוש, איך ללמוד קבלה, ביוגרפיה, או×', data_type_string='ezstring', data_text='הרב, רב"ש, הרב ברוך אשלג, הרב ברוך שלום אשלג, רבי אשלג, אשלג, מורה, מורי, לייטמן ואשלג, מדריך, איך הגעתי לקבלה, חיפוש, איך ללמוד קבלה, ביוגרפיה, אוטוביוגרפיה, סיפור, הסיפור האישי של הרב לייטמן, ×‘× ×™ ברק, תמיד איתי', data_int=NULL, data_float='0.000000' WHERE id='336' AND contentobject_id='92' AND version='1' AND language_code='heb-IL' ERROR: invalid UTF-8 byte sequence detected near byte 0xd7 Error: (eZDBInterface::commit TRANSID-3f8f0b6c5fa5d5d2b4530b7fea30f9a6) Transaction in progress failed due to DB error, transaction was rollbacked. Transaction ID is TRANSID-3f8f0b6c5fa5d5d2b4530b7fea30f9a6. Notice: (eZPostgreSQLDB::query(0.198 ms) query number per page:26) ROLLBACK WORK Notice: Undefined variable: relMemory in /var/www/html/ez36/lib/ezutils/classes/ezdebug.php on line 1445 Module start 'content' 0.0000 sec Total runtime: 0.1449 sec Group ini_load: Load cache: 0.0149 sec (5.7197%), 0.0025 avg sec (6) Group postgresql_total: Postgresql_queries: 0.0345 sec (13.2700%), 0.0012 avg sec (28) Group class_abstraction: Instantiating content class attribute: 0.0140 sec (5.3972%), 0.0005 avg sec (26) Group XML: Image XML parsing: 0.0006 sec (0.2168%), 0.0006 avg sec (1) Total script time: 0.2601 sec Warning: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /var/www/html/ez36/lib/ezdb/classes/ezdbinterface.php on line 791




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