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  1. eZ Publish / Platform
  2. EZP-16185

TC-182: Clicking an item in "Your Pending Items" results in a page inside a page




      Clicking an item in "Your Pending Items" in the dashboard results in a page inside a page

      Steps to reproduce

      Setup - Create editor user
      1. Log in as admin in admin
      2. Click "User accounts" in top menu
      3. Click "Editors" link
      4. Click "Create here" button
      5. Enter form data:
      First name: Editor_tc182
      Last name : Editor_tc182
      Username : Editor_tc182
      Password : Editor_tc182
      Confirm password : Editor_tc182
      Email: tc182@test.com
      6. Click "Send for publishing button"

      Setup - Create workflow
      1. Click "Setup" tab in top menu
      2. Click "Workflows" link on left menu
      3. Click "New Workflow Group" button
      4. Enter Data
      Name: Group Workflow tc_182
      5. Press "OK" button
      6. On "Workflow Groups", click on "Group Workflow tc_182"
      7. On Workflows group, press "New workflow" button
      8. Enter Data
      Name: Workflow tc_182
      9. On events combo box, choose "Event / Approve"
      10. Press "Add Event" button
      11. On "Users who approve content" press "Add users" button
      12. Click on " Administrator User" link
      13. Check the user Administrator User
      14. Press "OK" button on the bottom of the page
      15. Press "Triggers" link on left side menu
      16. For Module "Content", Function "Publish", Connection Type "Before" choose the workflow "tc_182" on Workflow combo box
      17. Press "Apply changes" button
      18. Logout

      Create 1 article as Editor_tc182
      1. Enter Ez Publish as Editor_tc182
      2. Press "Content Structure" tab on top menu
      3. On "Sub Items" group, choose "article" from the combo box and press "Create here" button
      4. Create article1 with data:
      Title: Article1
      Intro: Intro for Article1
      5. Press "Send for Publishing button"

      Check "Your Pending Items" information
      1. Press the "Dashboard" tab on the top menu
      2. Press on the "Article 1" link on the "Your Pending Items" list

      Note: when pressing the “Article 1” link, the result is a page inside a page.




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