Release Notes - eZ Publish / Platform - Version 2.4.0-beta1 - HTML format


  • [EZP-28099] - Wrong Urls at equal beginning path prefixes
  • [EZP-29375] - REST API doesn't support multiple relation types
  • [EZP-29702] - Can't create new draft due to lack of language code in URL
  • [EZP-29801] - Content View breaks when providing location id as param
  • [EZP-29809] - api_keys.google_maps should not be set as null by default
  • [EZP-29825] - As a dev, I want to be able to override content edit form fields for specific Content Types
  • [EZP-29832] - Unable to use AdminUI without admin rights
  • [EZP-29836] - Bulk move & delete buttons work without selection
  • [EZP-29854] - Cannot remove a selected item from custom dropdown
  • [EZP-29895] - Loading spinner icon in Sub-items is too big


  • [EZP-28009] - Extract the RichText FieldType to its own package
  • [EZP-28067] - As an Editor, I want to Delete multiple content items at a time
  • [EZP-29089] - Usability bug when deleting containers
  • [EZP-29171] - Update Navbar menu items order
  • [EZP-29355] - As a developer, I want to edit the "ezcontent" of a custom tag
  • [EZP-29613] - As a developer I want access to ContentType on Content to avoid re-loading it
  • [EZP-29658] - As an Editor, I want to attach links to images in RichText Editor
  • [EZP-29711] - Take better screenshots on Travis
  • [EZP-29713] - As an Editor, I want to Move multiple content items at a time
  • [EZP-29714] - As an Editor, I want to use pagination in the sub-items widgets
  • [EZP-29717] - As a Developer I want to be able to nest XML inside a Custom Tag
  • [EZP-29740] - [Travis] For existing kernel integration tests add setups for new databases
  • [EZP-29744] - Implement permissions for Content/Create in Sub-items table
  • [EZP-29766] - As an editor, I want to filter the search using subtree parameter
  • [EZP-29812] - As an editor, I want to embed a content item within a block element
  • [EZP-29835] - As a developer I want sorted composer packages to reduce conflicts on updates
  • [EZP-29851] - As a developer I want to be able to load several Locations at once


  • [EZP-29848] - Make existing AdminUI tabs extendable by allowing template path and parameters change
  • [EZP-29855] - Expose `pages` query param in Location View / Versions tab for implementing custom pagination
  • [EZP-29856] - Expose form's data ContentCreateStruct in content create view


  • [EZP-29793] - Implement permissions for the Create button on the dashboard
  • [EZP-29794] - Implement permissions for Content/Create in Universal Discovery Widget
  • [EZP-29828] - Custom Dropdown improvements
  • [EZP-29842] - Implement content create permissions check in MFU

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