Release Notes - eZ Publish / Platform - Version 2.3.0-beta1 - HTML format


  • [EZP-29474] - Error 500 for editor with section/view policy
  • [EZP-29489] - Error 500 when accessing content which has relation to content in trash
  • [EZP-29504] - ezplatform:reindex can't index a specific siteaccess
  • [EZP-29528] - Content edit view is unstyled when multiple admin siteaccesses are configured
  • [EZP-29581] - I cannot clear image variation caches without clearing all caches
  • [EZP-29614] - Application does not respond after downloading a file


  • [EZP-28881] - Add a field to support "date object was trashed"
  • [EZP-29139] - RegenerateUrlAliasesCommand should keep historized Url Aliases
  • [EZP-29174] - Update User menu styling
  • [EZP-29176] - Update styling of Preview view bar switcher and site access list
  • [EZP-29177] - Update styling of sub-items table header buttons
  • [EZP-29178] - Update styling of sub-items Priority buttons
  • [EZP-29224] - Implement permissions for "Content/Remove"
  • [EZP-29290] - As an Editor, I want to have preconfigured "Author" section while creating the content
  • [EZP-29404] - As an editor I want to create content with an image asset field creating a new image asset
  • [EZP-29405] - As an editor I want to create content with an image asset field reusing an image asset
  • [EZP-29406] - As a developer I want to change the configuration of the mapping for the image asset field type
  • [EZP-29424] - I want Confirmed items in UDW to be differentiated from the background
  • [EZP-29470] - As a developer I want trace for uncached Persistence calls
  • [EZP-29554] - As an editor, I want to be able to apply custom styles to part of my text


  • [EZP-29462] - Improve docblock and return type hint for ContentView::getLocation method
  • [EZP-29530] - Simplify extending global eZ config
  • [EZP-29606] - As a developer I want to have a generic interface for drag and drop interactions
  • [EZP-29616] - Create a custom dropdown JS class to be reused in multiple places


  • [EZP-29721] - Broken URL alias history is not restored after regenerating aliases

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