Release Notes - eZ Publish / Platform - Version 2.2.0-beta1 - HTML format


  • [EZP-28551] - [Media and Binary] You can set maximum file size to less than zero
  • [EZP-28928] - Fixing and adding support for custom linkAttribute classes
  • [EZP-29113] - Role tab on CI is not refreshed after changing assignments in Admin/Roles
  • [EZP-29204] - RichText link popup on Microsoft Edge has broken styling
  • [EZP-29206] - MySQL deadlock errors happen when concurrently moving subtree
  • [EZP-29212] - Error 500 when user doen't have Content/versionread policy
  • [EZP-29213] - Error 500 when user doesn't have Content/reverserelatedlist policy
  • [EZP-29214] - Error 403 after trying to publish CI without Content/Publish or Content/Edit policies
  • [EZP-29237] - Creating template in app/Resources/views overrides that template in other themes
  • [EZP-29259] - Fix pagination for content displayed by route _ez_content_view
  • [EZP-29266] - Content item seems to be always bookmarked
  • [EZP-29295] - Second level of main menu has no context passed
  • [EZP-29296] - UserService loadByEmail returns empty array from cache


  • [EZP-28168] - Behat Covering of SystemInfo
  • [EZP-28169] - Behat Covering of Sections
  • [EZP-28759] - Add support for eZ Design Engine to eZ Platform Admin UI
  • [EZP-28811] - As an Administrator I want to decide which pattern should be used in URL generation
  • [EZP-28837] - As an editor I want to access to my bookmarks
  • [EZP-28840] - As an editor I want to bookmark a content item from Content View
  • [EZP-28870] - Make existing templates part of the standard design
  • [EZP-28924] - As an editor I would like to save and publish a landing page
  • [EZP-28950] - MySQL UTF8 doesn't support 4-byte chars
  • [EZP-29058] - Publish ezsystems/ezplatform-richtext to packagist
  • [EZP-29062] - Copy subtree
  • [EZP-29066] - As a website administrator, I want to see the roles assigned to a user or user group
  • [EZP-29067] - As a website administrator, I want to see the policies assigned to a user or user group
  • [EZP-29070] - Add edit button on content type view
  • [EZP-29099] - Implement permissions for Section management in Admin Panel
  • [EZP-29102] - Implement permissions for Languages in Admin Panel
  • [EZP-29103] - Implement permissions for Object State in Admin Panel
  • [EZP-29108] - Port existing StudioUI tests to PageBuilder
  • [EZP-29124] - As a QA I want to cover basic scenarios of testing fields in content managing
  • [EZP-29133] - Implement permission to access Admin Panel
  • [EZP-29137] - As a developer, I want to replace missing images with placeholders
  • [EZP-29146] - As a developer, I want an API to manage bookmarks
  • [EZP-29147] - As a developer, I want a REST API to manage bookmarks
  • [EZP-29154] - As a developer, I want to configure the number of sub-items displayed in the sub-items list
  • [EZP-29160] - Hide Roles and Policies tab if the user does not have "Role/Read" permission
  • [EZP-29201] - Sending a bookmarked content item to trash
  • [EZP-29202] - Swapping a bookmarked content item
  • [EZP-29209] - Front-end Notification System (from JS) API
  • [EZP-29216] - Implement permissions for Role in Admin Panel
  • [EZP-29277] - Adapt DateBasedPublisher and FlexWorkflow tests to PageBuilder


  • [EZP-29117] - Improve content type view design

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