Release Notes - eZ Publish / Platform - Version 1.13.0 - HTML format


  • [EZP-28078] - Embedding a Content Object in the RichText Editor makes page scroll up
  • [EZP-28182] - Cannot replace emedded content in AlloyEditor
  • [EZP-28328] - RichText Field Type removes line breaks inside formatted paragraphs
  • [EZP-28336] - app/config/env/docker.php is actually non-docker specific
  • [EZP-28449] - Installer should not write to cache directory if cache is in redis/memacached
  • [EZP-28544] - Unable to view/edit Role that contains Policy with removed Limitation target
  • [EZP-28846] - Missing HTTP Cache purge when UserService\{CreateUser,CreateUserGroup,UpdateUserGroup}Signal is emitted


  • [EZP-27752] - As a REST Consumer I want to remove translation from all Versions
  • [EZP-27912] - As an Editor I want to edit content chosing the language in view mode with the language selector
  • [EZP-27913] - As an Editor I want to change the main language of a content item
  • [EZP-27915] - As an Editor I want to remove temporarily a language version from a content item
  • [EZP-28480] - As a Developer I want API to manage external URLs


  • [EZP-27366] - Update Behat scenarios related to the validation of role creating/updating form
  • [EZP-27759] - As an Editor, I want to copy the whole subtree of Content Objects
  • [EZP-28104] - As an Editor I want empty Performance tab removed
  • [EZP-28161] - Update php-cs-fixer configuration to align with v2.7.1
  • [EZP-28213] - Deprecate insecure hash methods
  • [EZP-28214] - Password hash silently defaults to MD5
  • [EZP-28495] - As Editor I want UI for external links management
  • [EZP-28505] - As a Maintainer I want command to validate external URLs


  • [EZP-28028] - As a Developer I want API removing Translations to use consistent naming
  • [EZP-28316] - [PAPI] As a Developer I want the API to get Locations for Draft

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