Release Notes - eZ Publish / Platform - Version 1.6.2 - HTML format


  • [EZP-23284] - Exception on Numeric FieldValue for TextLine via REST-API-V2
  • [EZP-24695] - PlatformUI content tree won't show more then 25 items per level
  • [EZP-24994] - "Default Location" is not being honored when using the UDW for "Relations List" and "Relation" fields
  • [EZP-25318] - Having the (+) button while selecting text is misleading
  • [EZP-26146] - Can't edit Swapped Landing Pages
  • [EZP-26175] - Exception instead of 404 when trying to access a file stored with a non default vardir
  • [EZP-26475] - Infinite loader if embed Content item is unreachable
  • [EZP-26476] - Wider roles being ignored if you define more restrictive roles
  • [EZP-26485] - Select view in UDW don't completely show lower buttons when using smaller monitors
  • [EZP-26543] - Infinite loading when publishing/saving/previewing an unallowed content
  • [EZP-26554] - Fatal error if you try to download files named with non ASCII characters
  • [EZP-26707] - Search with Solr does not respect isSearchable setting of fields
  • [EZP-26749] - Error in UDW when displaying 25 or more objects per container


  • [EZP-26741] - Use correct ezplatform branch to run behat tests on TravisCI


  • [EZP-26756] - FieldRelation is not handled in Location search


  • [EZP-26702] - Make sure an empty Filter/Criteria doesn't generate an empty LogicalAnd with REST

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