Release Notes - eZ Publish / Platform - Version 4.5.0beta1 - HTML format


  • [EZP-15128] - Losing input when assigning Object state in edit form
  • [EZP-17252] - Multiupload doesn't give you a error message if flash is not installed
  • [EZP-17453] - ez4.4.0 - section_identifier update script 'updatesectionidentifier.php' not working
  • [EZP-17461] - Submitting a survey in admin2 interface dos not store results
  • [EZP-17611] - ezie not working in ezjscore 1.3
  • [EZP-17652] - ezflow : the block name no longer has a ID in the fronpage edit
  • [EZP-17685] - RSS GUID is not persistent
  • [EZP-17686] - ezdatetime "use seconds" is not supported in admin2 templates
  • [EZP-17692] - Regression in JQuery 1.4.4 find() breaks the "More actions" button in admin subitem toolbar
  • [EZP-17703] - Fatal error when deleting main node having ezfind enabled
  • [EZP-17714] - eZTeamroom not working on 4.5.0Alpha1
  • [EZP-17766] - The "Edit" button is visible even if the user has no access to editing an image
  • [EZP-17768] - eZWebin not warning when deleting folder with children
  • [EZP-17788] - JS error because of quoting in context header's icon popup-menu
  • [EZP-17791] - Website toolbar missing hints for node affected.
  • [EZP-17794] - Nasty bug in hide.php
  • [EZP-17798] - Default value of ignore_visibility param in reverse_related_objects fetch is null
  • [EZP-17803] - Remote ID aren't unique when forking eZ Publish execution
  • [EZP-17804] - Tag cloud stacktrace on PostgreSQL
  • [EZP-17822] - A useless update query is executed on ezcontentobject_tree during publishing
  • [EZP-17836] - eZUserType->fromString should check RequireUniqueMail setting
  • [EZP-17839] - object states: set button doesn't work in the presence of custom action buttons
  • [EZP-17840] - Interrupted operations won't restart where they stopped
  • [EZP-17860] - Some eZUser cache still only used for current user
  • [EZP-17867] - ezmbpaex should not expire passwords on user objects that does not have paex datatype
  • [EZP-17868] - ezmbpaex should log user in directly when password is validated & changed
  • [EZP-17870] - Bug casting in /lib/eztemplate/classes/eztemplate.php
  • [EZP-17875] - ezcss_require doesn't seem to work in a specific case
  • [EZP-17916] - update isbn script cannot use range.js file anymore
  • [EZP-17942] - Footers in most interfaces need to be updated with 2011 copyright date
  • [EZP-17944] - (ImageEditor) tc-129 The image editor (both imagemagik as GD) does not open when we press the "Edit" button.
  • [EZP-17950] - Routes are hardcoded with '/api'.
  • [EZP-17952] - Verify that incorrect (order of) params does not fail /ezp/content/list
  • [EZP-17968] - Delayed Indexing : ezpending_actions "index_object" entry is not deleted when removing content object
  • [EZP-17970] - (tc-150)(teamroom) "Error loading box" in teamroom home page
  • [EZP-17972] - (tc-129)(ImageEditor) Imageeditor, with ImageMagick configuration, raises an error when editing an image
  • [EZP-17976] - (tc-287/290)(Imageeditor) The "slide" bar to change contrast and brightness does not seems to work properly
  • [EZP-17985] - (tc-150)(Teamroom) Inviting a new member on a teamroom raised a "Fatal Error"
  • [EZP-17987] - (tc-162)(Teamroom) Clicking on "My notification settings" raise a Fatal Error


  • [EZP-16498] - ezJSCore : see packed files list in ez debug
  • [EZP-17646] - Put big inline JavaScript blocks in a dedicated .js file
  • [EZP-17946] - eZContentObject::fetchByNodeID() should also take an array of NodeIDs as parameter
  • [EZP-17954] - Make implicit ->load() in eZINI constructor optional
  • [EZP-17971] - Implement hooks that allow priority handling on asynchronous publishing
  • [EZP-17974] - Unable to modify/remove workflow if workflow extension is deactivated

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