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  1. eZ Publish / Platform
  2. EZP-17991

(eZTeamroom) when we send a lighbox through mail (bulb with an envelope), we receive the message with ID's





      when we send a lighbox through mail (bulb with an envelope), we receive the message on screen : "Successfully granted access for user ID 102 to lightbox ID 1."

      Steps to reproduce
         1. Access the teamroom siteaccess of your eZ Publish installation
         2. Login as admin
         3. On the ezteamroom frontpage click on Create new teamroom
            Enter the information:
            Name: Teamroom 1
            Access: Private
            Click on Create
         4. Log out
      Run cronjob
         1. Log in as admin in admin
         2. Click "Selenium tests" in top menu
         3. Click "Cronjobs" in left menu
         4. Select siteaccess : ezteamroom
         5. Execute the frequent cronjob
      Sign up a new user
         1. Access the teamroom siteaccess of your eZ Publish installation
         2. Click "Sign up" button
         3. Enter formdata:
            First name: tester1
            Last name : tester1
            Username : tester1
            Password : tester1
            Confirm password : tester1
            Email : [ an email address the tester has access to ]
         4. Click  "Register" button
         5. Check that you get an confirmation email.
         6. Click the activation link in that email
      Verify that creating a lightbox works
         1. Go to Sitemap -> Blog under "Teamroom 1"
         2. Click on the lightbox (for those who don't know what it is, it is the little star in the top-right corner)
         3. Click on the button which looks like a lightbulb with a star over it (apparently that button is for creating a lightbox)
         4. Enter the information:
            Name: LB
            Click on Create new
         5. Verify that LB appears in the lightbox
      Verify that adding a page to a lightbox works
         1. Go to Sitemap -> Blog under "Teamroom 1"
         2. Click on the lightbox
         3. Click on the link "Add this page to the current lightbox"
         4. Verify that the lightbox displays LB (1)
         5. Click on the button which looks like a lightbulb with an eye ("Show the contents of the current lightbox")
         6. Verify that Blog is in the list which appears
      Verify that sending access to a lightbox by email works
         1. Go to Sitemap -> Blog under "Teamroom 1"
         2. Click on the lightbox
         3. Click on "Add this page to the current lightbox"
         4. Click on the button which looks like a lightbulb with an envelope over it (apparently that button means send the lightbox)
         5. Enter the information:
            Email address: [use the email address of the user you created earlier in this testcase]
            Subject: Lightbox
            Body: A new lightbox
            Access: check View, Edit, Grant
            Click on Find user
            Click on Send
            Click on Continue

      The message appears after this sequence of actions.




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